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Do not get ahead of God!

American Lutheran Church
Though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

Psalm 37:24

When God gives you a promise or a vision for your life, it's like a seed; it needs time to take root before it can bear fruit. It's like the birth of a baby. First the seed, then the pregnancy, then the development within the womb, and finally the day of delivery. And what do the parents do during this time? Prepare! They get ready for the challenges and responsibilities of parenthood. You may think you're ready, but God knows when you're ready.

Though he had already been anointed king, David had to wait seven years until God removed Saul from the throne. And during those years he learned valuable lessons. Here is one of them: 'Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honor you with every blessing' (v.34). You must learn the difference between what you can do and what God can do. Fools rush in! If you don't want to risk delaying the fulfillment of God's plan for your life, don't get ahead of Him. 'The vision is ... for an appointed time ... though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come.' (Habakkuk 2:3).

Everything God does is by appointment. And an appointment is simply an event that has already been set. God has scheduled a time for bringing to pass two things in your life: His promises and your vision. So, when you grow impatient, remind yourself, 'My life can't end with this happening. God said it, and He will do it!

(from Lutheran Church Charities -- Daily Devotions)

This reminder, and call to patience, will be much like the call process that American Lutheran will journey through in the weeks ahead. God has a plan for us -- we need to prepare and our call will be fulfilled. We will find the right leadership for our congregation.

A part of the process is electing a Call Committee to research, interview and eventually, call a pastor to join in the mission of American Lutheran. Where do you fit in? The council will submit a call committee ballot for vote of four congregation members and two council members to staff our call committee.

There is an application to complete and submit if you are interested in this role of service. Please prayerfully consider your own nomination or that of someone else in our congregation.

Please turn in completed applications to the church office, or submit by email to by September 12. The council will set the ballot for a vote on September 18, 2022 The committee will convene shortly thereafter.

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American Lutheran Church is a place to find and know God and his amazing love. Located in La Porte City, IA, We are a group of friendly and down-to-earth people of all ages. If you visit, you can expect to be warmly welcomed. We gather to hear about God's love for us and all people shown in God's son, Jesus.








(319) 342-2852


801 Monroe Street

La Porte City, Iowa 50651








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