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Prayers of Intercession: Wednesday, December 24

American Lutheran Church

Filled with good news of great joy, let us offer our prayers for the church, the earth, and all people.

A brief silence.

Angels sing with praise, and shepherds run with haste. As we glorify and praise you in this place, send us into the world, proclaiming the salvation you have revealed this night. God of grace,

Receive our prayer.

The seas roar, and the trees of the forest sing for joy. As creation resounds with praise, inspire us with awe, reverence, and a renewed care for all that fills the fields, skies, and seas. God of grace,

Receive our prayer.

The nations declare your glory. Uphold the leaders of the earth with your justice and righteousness. Break the rod of the oppressor in every land, and bring peace where there is conflict (places experiencing war or violence may be named). God of grace,

Receive our prayer.

The holy family finds shelter around the animals’ manger. Draw near to persons experiencing homelessness, those who are alone this holiday season, and all for whom this world makes no room. Wrap all your children in bands of love and mercy (especially…). God of grace,

receive our prayer.

Receive our prayer.

A child is born for us and light shines on the weary. Watch over those who give birth this night and attend to those who are dying. Be present in our joys and in our sorrows (local joys and concerns may be named). God of grace,

Receive our prayer.

(Other intercessions may be offered.)

The heavenly host praises you. With thanksgiving for Mary, Joseph, and all your saints, sustain us in the blessed hope revealed this night. Fashion us by their example into a people zealous for good deeds, sharing your love and mercy with all. God of grace,

Receive our prayer.

We commend these prayers to you, O God, trusting your grace made known to all, through the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.


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