Whether we like it or not, pain is part of the whole fabric of life. To escape suffering completely, we would have to live in some sort of sterilized and cushioned module with no risk of infection or accident. However, there is nothing that the body suffers that the soul does not profit by. The world may break everyone, but afterwards many are stronger at the broken places. For example, if there were no suffering, trouble or difficulty in life, there would be no courage, patience and forgiveness or compassion.
Hence our suffering not only refines us but makes us strong enough to bear and share the sufferings of others. That's why great people do not lose their self-possession when they are afflicted. While afflicted, we would still need to go to someone. That person could well be Jesus Christ, who can not only sympathize with us, but can help us through our suffering, because Jesus himself has suffered.
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. — 1 Peter 4:1
